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Values and Aims




Openness:  We express our openness through our willingness to understand and include others.


Equity:  We support equitable access to social resources and systems


Justice: We affirm our commitment to justice, equality and fairness for migrant and refugee communities.


Compassion:  We commit to act with compassion, empathy and generosity for migrant and refugee communities.


Inclusion:  We create and facilitate opportunities for community inclusion and participation in order to build capacity and understanding.


Integrity: Our actions are guided by integrity and respect.






  • To increase the capacity of and provide support to agency workers in the delivery of services to migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum.


  • To promote awareness of issues that relate to migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum, and to advocate around these issues.


  • To celebrate the diversity and positive contribution of people from migrant and refugee background and those seeking asylum.


  • To promote collaborative partnerships related to our activities.

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